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Wooden windows : What are the selection criteria ?

Are you planning to replace your windows and wondering how to choose the right wood windows? In this article, we’ll give you all the advice you need to make the right choice. Wooden windows offer numerous aesthetic and ecological advantagesBut it’s important to take certain criteria into account to make sure you’re making the right investment.

Whether you’re renovating or building a new home, the choice of wooden windows is crucial to guaranteeing your home’s comfort, insulation and durability. Discover our tips for choosing the right wood windows!

Wooden windows: an aesthetic and energy-saving asset for your home

Wooden windows play an essential role in the aesthetics of a home. Their warm, natural appearance a touch of charm and authenticity to any room. In addition to their decorative appeal, wooden windows are also highly efficient in terms of thermal insulation.

They limit heat loss in winter and keep the interior cool in summer. Opting for wooden windows can therefore help reduce energy costs related to heating or cooling your home.

Criteria to consider when choosing the right wooden windows

To choose the right wooden windows, it’s important to consider several criteria. First and foremost, window style must match the aesthetics of your home. Next, choice of wood is crucial: choose a quality wood that’s weather-resistant and low-maintenance.

Last but not least, the type of glazing is also important, as it influences the window’s thermal and acoustic insulation. By taking all these factors into account, you can choose wooden windows that combine aesthetic appeal with energy efficiency.

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The influence of window style on room ambience

The choice of window style can have a significant impact on the overall ambience of the room. Wooden windows, for example, bring a warm, harmonious atmosphere to the space. Their natural, authentic appearance creates a feeling of comfort and well-beinginviting relaxation and conviviality.

What’s more, the natural light coming in through the wooden windows helps to brighten the room in a soft, pleasant way, reinforcing the welcoming, soothing ambience. By choosing the right style of window, you can transform a room into a real cocoon in which to live.

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Lucy Asher