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How to create an outdoor plant wall to enhance your garden?

Would you like to add a touch of greenery to your exterior and create a green wall? In this article, we give you all the keys to carrying out this project easily and efficiently.

Whether you have a small balcony, terrace or garden, a plant wall is the ideal solution for bring freshness and nature to your outdoor space. Discover the different steps to follow, the right plants and tips on how to maintain your green wall and make it last over time. Follow our advice to create a veritable plant paradise in your own home!

The advantages of an outdoor plant wall

An outdoor plant wall offers many advantages for your outdoor space. In addition to adding a natural, soothing aesthetic touch, it helps to regulate ambient temperature in summer, providing protection from the sun’s rays.

What’s more, the plants absorb pollutants from the airthus improving the quality of the air you breathe. The plant wall also acts as a sound insulator, reducing outside noise to create a quieter, more peaceful environment. Finally, it can act as a natural barrier against water infiltrationto protect your facade from moisture damage.

Techniques for creating an outdoor plant wall

Several techniques are available to create an outdoor green wall. The cable plant wall consists of hanging potted plants or planters along stretched cables, offering a light, airy solution.

Visit vertical succulent garden is another option, ideal for sunny, sparsely-watered spaces. Potted plants and pallets can be used to create a personalized plant wall that can be easily modified.

Finally, the soil-less green wall uses a hydroponic system to grow plants directly on a vertical, low-maintenance structure.

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Tips for choosing and maintaining an outdoor plant wall

To choose the ideal plants for greening an outdoor wall, it’s essential to consider their light and moisture requirements. Choose plants suited to your wall’s exposure Light-demanding species such as ivy are suited to sunny walls, while ferns prefer shady areas.

Be sure to select moisture-resistant plants if your wall is exposed to rain or frequent watering. When it comes to maintaining an outdoor plant wall, it’s important to prune plants regularly to maintain their shape and encourage growth.

Replace failing plants as soon as necessary to preserve the overall aesthetics of the wall. Last but not least, ensure proper watering according to the specific needs of each plant, avoiding excess water which could lead to disease. By following this advice, you’ll be able to enjoy a healthy, harmonious outdoor plant wall.

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Lucy Asher