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Don’t forget these household chores before leaving on vacation to avoid disaster

Are you planning to go on vacation soon, and want to make sure your home is clean and tidy before you leave? In this article, we’ve put together a list of essential household chores you can do to leave with peace of mind.

By taking the time to clean and organize your home, you’ll be able to enjoy your vacation to the full. without worrying about the mess when you return. Discover our tips for preparing your home before you leave on your trip, and let us guide you to a stress-free departure.

Taking care of plants before leaving on vacation

Before leaving on vacation, it’s essential to take the necessary steps to ensure the well-being of your indoor and outdoor plants. One of the main concerns is watering, as a prolonged period without water can cause your plants to dry out and die.

We therefore recommendwater your plants abundantly a few days beforehand your departure, making sure the soil is well moistened. For outdoor plants, remember to place them in the shade too, to prevent them drying out too quickly.

Install irrigation systems for plants

To keep your plants hydrated while you’re away, installing irrigation systems such as oyas can be very useful. Oyas are porous clay pots buried in the soil next to the plants. Filled with water, they slowly release moisture to the roots, ensuring regular, effective watering.

For indoor plants, drip systems can be installed to maintain adequate humidity levels. These simple, practical solutions will allow you to leave with peace of mind, knowing that your plants will be well hydrated in your absence.

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Cleaning garbage cans with white vinegar and bicarbonate of soda

For eliminate unpleasant odors and bacteria white vinegar and baking soda. Start by sprinkling the bottom of the garbage can with baking soda, then add white vinegar.

Leave for a few minutes before scrubbing the inside of the garbage can with a brush. Then rinse thoroughly with clean water. This natural method effectively disinfect the garbage can while neutralizing stubborn odours. Repeat this process regularly to keep the garbage can clean and hygienic.

Give your kitchen a thorough cleaning

For a complete kitchen cleaning, start by emptying and cleaning all cupboards and drawers. Discard out-of-date food, wipe surfaces with disinfectant and put items back in order.

Next, wash appliances inside and out with soapy water. Clean the worktop, sink and hob with a suitable product. Don’t forget to vacuum and wash the floor. Finally, empty and clean the dustbin, then take it out to avoid unpleasant odours.

Empty the fridge and freezer completely in the event of a power cut

In the event of a prolonged power cut, it’s essential to completely empty the fridge and freezer to prevent food spoiling. Start by removing all perishable products such as meat, dairy products and fruit and vegetables.

Throw away anything that seems to have been exposed to inappropriate temperatures for too long. Next, thoroughly clean the inside of appliances with warm soapy water and white vinegar to eliminate any bacteria. Once the appliances are clean and dry, you can safely reconnect them.

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Lucy Asher